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Golden Hill Jasmine White Rice 25KG
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Golden Hill Jasmine White Rice 25KG

  • S$47.90
  • S$40.95

Golden Hill Jasmine White Rice. A high-class aromatic rice of Vietnam, long grain, clear white, fragrant jasmine. It is grown in the border areas of Vietnam and Cambodia, namely An Giang and Cambodia. The growth period of this rice variety lasts 6 months / season, so there is usually only one crop per year and harvest in the spring.

Long-grained, fragrant, with a floral aroma. Enhances fiber intake. Contains vital B vitamins and essential minerals.


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Brand: Golden Hill

Recommended ratio - 1 Cup Rice : 1.3 Cup Water

Long-grained, fragrant, with a floral aroma. Enhances fiber intake.
Contains vital B vitamins and essential minerals.

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